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What You Need to Know About Prescription Drug Lawsuits

A spilled bottle of prescription drugs

Are Your Prescriptions Dangerous?

As reliable as prescription drugs may be today, there’s still no guarantee that a drug will work exactly as intended, even if it has FDA approval. Whether the drug doesn’t do what it was advertised as doing, or it causes an unforeseen side effect, there are a number of valid reasons for a prescription drug lawsuit, not the least of which is to hold drug makers accountable for their claims. Throughout this post, we’ll take a look at some of the most recent examples of prescription drug lawsuits, as well as how lawyers prepare for this type of case and what steps you should take if you believe you’re the victim of a defective drug.

What Are Some Examples of Recent Lawsuits?

While the FDA does make sure that thorough tests of drugs are conducted before they enter the market, it can be difficult to keep track of the many different variables that can cause a person to have an adverse reaction or be negatively affected in the long term.

In June 2011, Actos was recalled by the FDA after it was revealed to be linked to both bladder cancer and heart disease. While normally used in the treatment of type-2 diabetes, it turns out that this drug’s nastier side effects were only discovered due to the actions of a whistleblower.

More recently, in 2012, Pfizer had to update the label on Lipitor to warn users that its side effects included an increased risk of diabetes. Despite the warning label, the lawsuit is still moving forward and contends that Pfizer has not done enough to rectify the situation.

Also in 2012, lawsuits against Zofran manufacturer GlaxoSmithKline resulted in the company paying out over one billion dollars in settlements.

These are just a few of the many examples throughout the years in which pharmaceutical companies were held responsible for the damage that their drugs did, regardless of whether they knowingly sold a defective drug.

How Lawyers Prepare for a Prescription Drug Case

One of the first steps in any prescription drug lawsuit is to build the case with as many victims as possible. Through a class action lawsuit against a drug manufacturer, the victims are able to evenly split the cost of the lawyers involved and insulate themselves from paying too much in a protracted battle with a big pharmaceutical company.

Because of the way these cases are built, it’s highly recommended that anyone who may have suffered from a defective drug contact an attorney immediately. For example, someone preparing a prescription drug lawsuit in Savannah GA would want to find an attorney in the Savannah, GA area to help them build a case against the manufacturer. In order to have a successful case, the lawyer must prove that the victim’s side effects were caused by an issue with the manufacturer and that there were no proper warnings in place ahead of time.

What Should You Do if a Drug Caused a Health Issue?

Going back to the prescription drug lawsuit in Savannah GA example, one of the first things you should do if you’ve had a sudden health issue is seek an experienced prescription drug lawyer who can begin seeking out other victims with similar side effects. If a class action lawsuit can be built, then the next steps will involve further building the evidence of that case. Otherwise, you will need to prove that the side effects you experienced were caused by the drug’s manufacturer. Throughout this process, you will need to prove that the damage either originated at some point in the chain of production (design or manufacturing) or that the potential side effects were not properly addressed on the drug itself.

The Tate Law Group of Savannah GA wants to hear your story. Contact one of our legal experts today and tell us what happened to you because of a prescription medication. We have handled many medical lawsuits over the years and we can help you too!
